Immediate Objectives:
Promote communicable link among the proposed villages to develop an enabling environment for an “all time connection” among them that will ensure flow of information/benefits & access to all amenities and benefits for the targeted people. Promote a group of trained and organized youths/women from target group who will sustain the momentum of project.
Development Objective:
Democracy Aspects
Ensure access to information, amenities and benefit packages provided by Govt. Ensure above benefits quite affordable for the people who are unable to avail that from private source. Enable the beneficiaries to share & communicate their problems in democratic manner with redressal agents (Govt. officials, departments etc.).
Freedom of Expression
Easy access to information in cheap and cost effective manner All time freedom to receive and send information in communicable manner People have the access to express and share their views with any person as feasible They will have the freedom to express their views without any fear and favour.
Improvement in the Communication Capacity
Clear, less time consuming, affordable and all time available. Access to Information and Improvement of Knowledge & Skill etc. Easy access to information and knowledge will lead to improvement in knowledge and skill Scope for skill mix among the Govt. and Non Govt. stakeholders. Scope for transmission of knowledge to unreachable areas through quickest possible means Scope for replication in terms of transmission of knowledge and multiplication of impact Better & easy access of information & requisite matter for early reddressal of grievances & proper management people’s skill and local resources in cost effective and time saving manner.