Baidhar Khatoi aged 60, residence of Otanga village under Sorabha Gram Panchayat. He had applied four times for Old Age Pension, but he did not get it due to ignorance from Panchayati Raj Members & Govt. Officials. Radio Namaskar broadcast this matter and link the Govt. officials with Baidhar to taken steps to provide the pension. Then after the Govt. officials showed proactiveness and provided him the pension. Now Baidhar gets Old Age Pension and he is very happy. Baidhar thanked to the Radio Namaskar team and the Govt. officials.
Baidhar got Old Age Pension
Gurubari got pension
Gurubari Mallik, aged 65 years, resident of Karamanga village under Konark NAC. She had given an application for Old Age Pension and visited to NAC office so many times. But she faced ignorance always and didn’t get the pension. Her husband is patient who was unable to work for their livelihood. Realizing the worst condition […]
Read MoreDamaged hand pump repaired
A hand pump in Benipur Rout Sahi of Andara Ichapur GP was not functioning for a long time. So, the villagers were suffering a lot for water. After consuming the polluted water numbers of villagers were admitted in the hospital. The villagers requested to the BDO office several times to repair the hand pump, but […]
Read MoreFlood affected families rescued and got relief
The whitewashing flood devastated Gop block in September 2011. Thousands of families trapped by water logging in Gop. After flood water entered into the areas, the communication mediums like telephone, mobile networks, internet etc stopped to working except the radio. Radio Namaskar played a crucial role in rescue and relief distribution operation. At that time […]
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